Influence is a fundamental skill for success in both personal and professional life. In her book ‘Exercising Influence’, B. Kim Barnes describes two types of influence behaviours – Expressive and Receptive behaviours. Developing skill in these can help you become more effective at winning the support of others whether gaining approval, requesting resources or encouraging […]
Effective Negotiating: Opening the Meeting
Ever walked away from a negotiation confused about what was agreed? Worried you gave away too much? Thought you could have done better in the heat of the moment? To avoid such pitfalls, clear thinking using mental checklists at each stage of a meeting can help. Broadly, negotiations happen over 5 key stages: 1. The Opening 2. […]
Structured Thinking: For Clear, Concise & Confident Speaking
Do you struggle to elaborate your ideas effectively under pressure? Have you ever wondered why some people seem to effortlessly communicate their ideas, while others struggle to get their message across? Do you want to be more creative and flexible when presenting your ideas? Structured thinking could be the missing piece. The use of simple, […]
Structuring the Compelling Presentation
Important presentation? Little or no time to prepare? How can you quickly organise your thoughts and deliver a convincing presentation? STRUCTURE! Simple as that. Unstructured presentations lack focus and make it difficult to hear your key message. A set of logical mental frameworks or ‘plans’ enables you to structure your thoughts quickly and leads […]
Exercising Influence: Expressive and Receptive Behaviours
In her book ‘Exercising Influence’, B. Kim Barnes describes two types of influence behaviours – Expressive and Receptive behaviours. Developing skill in these can help you become more effective at winning the support of others whether gaining approval, requesting resources or encouraging participation in initiatives. Expressive behaviours are actions that send information, ideas, or energy […]
Public Workshop @ HKGCC: 12 December
Think on Your Feet® In collaboration with the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce Thursday, 12th Dec 2024 (9:15 am – 5:30 pm) Do you have difficulty your organising their ideas quickly and presenting them confidently in important meetings and unplanned situations? Do you get tongue tied when facing difficult questions on the spot? Think […]
Effective Negotiating – 16 May ’23 (Tues)
In collaboration with the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce One-day Workshop 16 May (Fri) 9:30 am – 5:30 pm Develop best practices, refine your negotiating style and achieve better outcomes in your negotiations through this one-day intensive on-line workshop. Learn to clarify the issues, desired outcomes and priorities from your negotiating counterpart’s perspective, […]
Think on your Feet®: 1-hr ‘Taster’ Webinar – 23 Mar ’23 (Thurs)
‘Think Clearly and Communicate Concisely’ 23 March (Tues), 10:00 – 11:00 HK Time via Zoom Free 1-hour ‘Taster’ Webinar for In-company HR & L&D Professionals Heard about Think on Your Feet® but not sure what it is and how it works? Join us for a free ‘taster’ webinar and learn techniques for clear thinking and […]