Anthony Brophy Since 1997, Anthony has specialised in leadership, sales, negotiating, influencing & communication skills training. He formerly held senior roles in education, sales and sales team management in HK and Japan. He has master’s degrees in Linguistics and Human Resource Management, postgraduate diplomas in Education, Management and Management Consulting & Change. He is an accredited MBTI®/DISC facilitator and a certified executive coach.
Thomas Liu Supporting us since 2005, Thomas specialises in areas of negotiating and sales training. He worked in sales for a major telecoms company before transitioning to sales and leadership training roles. He led the transformation of engineers to sales consultants and implemented leadership training across the organisation. Accreditations include PowerBase Selling (Holden), Negotiating (ENS), Counselor Salesperson (Wilson Learning) and Situational Leadership (Ken Blanchard).
Sunao Fujii Since 2011 Sunao has supported us with delivery of sales and negotiating training in Japanese. Based between Singapore and Japan, he also works in areas of leadership development, performance management, teamworking and communication skills. His clients include multinationals in the automobile, biotech, construction, financial services and manufacturing sectors, within cross-cultural contexts between South East Asian and Japanese teams and their western counterparts.