Executive Coaching
We provide 1:1 coaching for senior executives and future leaders to help them develop the capabilities and strategies for their personal growth and readiness for more senior roles. Recent coaching assignments include leadership competency development linked with 360 assessments, and specific skills development. We have a network of qualified and experienced coaches and will arrange for compatibility matching. The coach works with the individual to identify blind spots, build on strengths and overcome barriers that might otherwise hold the person back.
Coaching in Presentation Skills
We offer targeted Presentation Skills coaching to prepare senior executives for their forthcoming presentations including townhall meetings or major presentations. Typically, we review video recordings of their presentations together in detail and explore ways to get the message across in a more concise and compelling way – to motivate, inspire and win the support of the listener.
Ongoing Coaching to Reinforce Workshop Learning
We are increasingly asked to provide an ongoing development process that blends group training workshops with one-to-one or small-group coaching sessions to consolidate learning and offer further in-depth skills practice as required. Typically, this may involve a series of follow-up coaching sessions, each addressing a specific learning objective.
For further details, and to discuss your specific coaching requirements, please contact us.